Education Objectives
【Development Goals】
- To cultivate business-based, technology-oriented professional management talent for cross-domain innovation.
- To provide dedicated, practical, and accountable business management talent needed by industries in Central Taiwan.
- To combine regional advantages and integrate alumni resources to develop the college into the cradle of first-class business talent in Central Taiwan.
Educational Features
【Key Features】
Strong Faculty: The College of Business has a comprehensive and diverse faculty who not only has expertise in professional fields, but also has rich practical experience in the industry.
Professional Software and Hardware: Based on the concept of sharing and co-creating college resources, the College of Business integrates resources for sharing by all departments in the college. Currently, the College of Business shares resources, such as Cmoney, TEJ+, SQL Server, SPSS, EViews, AMOS, Minitab 16, MATLAB, Anaconda (Python), MIT App Inventor Tools, R Studio, a digital fund teaching application system for financial innovation situations, financial engineering learning and financial teaching evaluation systems, program trading strategy platforms, other econometric analysis software, and open-source/big data/financial technology software. Together, it shapes students’ professional abilities in various professional space fields.
International Mobility: The College of Business actively strengthens the international mobility of students. Every year, undergraduate students visit the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University-Stillwater in the United States and Jeonbuk National University in South Korea as exchange students. As for graduate programs, the College of Business implements the official credit system for overseas teaching in Japan and attendees are awarded the official credit certificate from the Economics Department of Shiga University in Japan upon completion of the program.
Cross-domain Academic Courses: In response to industrial development trends, the College of Business offers cross-domain credit courses such as College of Business Cross-domain Innovation Lectures, College of Business Management Legacy Lectures, and other cross-domain credit courses, as well as Financial Big Data Innovation Application Micro Courses and other professional courses in line with financial trends.
Professional Activities: The College of Business organizes the College of Business and National Senior High Vocational School Thematic Contest, special speeches, and multi-industry-academia cooperation to enhance students’ capabilities.
Internship and Employment: The College of Business fully links with alumni and industry resources to help students plan a diverse career path. Throughout the summer/semester/academic year/overseas multi-internship system, every department allows middle and senior students to communicate with workplaces and collaborate to achieve seamless integration with employers.
To date, our college has 8 departments, and offers 5 master's degree programs, 3 in-service master's programs, and 1 research center.
- Department of International Business
- Department of Accounting Information
- Department of Insurance and Finance
- Department of Business Administration
- Department of Finance
- Department of Public Finance and Taxation
- Department of Applied Statistics
- Department of Leisure and Recreation Management
- Business Intelligence Application and Research Center
There are 128 faculty members, including 35 professors, 54 associate professors, and 39 assistant professors in our college.
- There are 5 computer classrooms with 305 PCs; one of the classrooms is a simulated stock exchange market, and one is a laboratory for FinTech.
- The international conference room has a capacity of 180 people.
- There are 4 discussion rooms with seats for 25 people.
The aforementioned rooms are equipped with relevant professional software to provide students with various professional learning fields (such as big data, financial technology, and financial investment).