
Career and Counseling Center


Career and Counseling Center

The Focus and Features of Development


【Annual key task of Counseling Section】 Freshmen counseling services and mentoring trainings

【Annual key task of Service Learning Counseling Section】Service learning curriculum planning and campus services

【Annual key task of Internship and Career Counseling Section】Awards for student gaining licenses, investigations of graduates and alumni employment, and employment counseling services


Introduction of Current Status

【Counseling Section】The section is responsible for student psychological counseling services, mentoring trainings, individual support and service for students with special needs, and native Taiwanese student services.

【Service Learning Counseling Section】The section is responsible for the regulations of service learning, campus services, service learning curriculum design, implementing administrative promotions, cooperating with communities and agencies, promoting routine environmental maintenance services, and providing with volunteer trainings.

【Internship and Employment Counseling Section】The main tasks of this section are focused on employment counseling services, promotion of employment couseling and support services, employment forum, compus expo, investigation and analiysis of graduate career planning, investigation of alumni employment, awards to students for obtaining certificates, administrative support of off-campus internship, certificate for career program, and student off-campus visit before internship.

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