


  • Key Features

    With the goal of cultivating interdisciplinary talents in intelligent industry technology, the College of Intelligence integrates not only the professional energy of its departments but also the research and development in the three major fields of “intelligent business”, “intelligent production” and “intelligent healthcare” to achieve the teaching objective of “intelligent service and diversified learning”. The College of Intelligence also complements the University’s Higher Education Sprout Project to cultivate professionals with practical intelligent technology.

    (1) Intelligent Business

    Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to business management, the College of Intelligence aims to cultivate MIT professionals, which means business Management decision-making professionals who can apply Information and Technology in the fields of marketing, finance, and business management to analyze data with AI technology to gain valuable consumer insights to help companies make accurate business decisions.  

    (2) Intelligent Production

    To achieve the goal of factory automation and virtual reality integration, the College of Intelligence applies artificial intelligence technology to production scheduling and process management to implement lean production and line staff management. This enables factories to ensure the smooth operation of the production lines, eliminate abnormalities quickly and implement primary equipment maintenance to maintain stability and increase production capacity to achieve the goals of improving production yield and efficiency.     

    (3) Intelligent Healthcare

    The College of Intelligence applies artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of things to build Intelligent Healthcare Lab to provide hospitals with intelligent solutions and integrated services, including negative pressure isolation wards, intelligent wards, intelligent drip systems, millimeter wave modules, identification systems for people getting on and off the bed, day care system platforms, physiological measurement equipment, etc. Currently the College of Intelligence is conducting industry-academia cooperation with many medical institutions in Taichung, such as Ministry of Health and Welfare Taichung Hospital, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital, Kuang Tien General Hospital, etc. We hope to develop useful intelligent healthcare software and hardware through such cooperation and contribute to the domestic medical industry
  • Administrative Organization

    The College of Intelligence includes two departments and a research center, as follows:

    • Department of Business Management
    • Department of Intelligent Production Engineering
    • Intelligent Industry-Academia Research Center
  • Faculty

    There are 17 full-time faculty members in the college, including 4 professors, 4 associate professors and 9 assistant professors.
  • Facility Resources

    • 4 labs, namely Intelligent Store Lab, Intelligent Logistic Lab, Intelligent Agricultural Lab and Intelligent Healthcare Lab
    • 1 professional computer classroom
    • 3 seminar rooms



