


The goal of the College of Languages is to foster global mobility alongside interdisciplinary talents in language and business. A diverse curriculum design, including Applied Languages and Interdisciplinary modules, allows the College to develop multitalented students. Course design enables students to master all kinds of information and study effectively, which helps them adapt to a fast-changing world.

Concurrently, the College also invites industry professionals to co-teach, runs domestic and international internships, provides employment seminars, and introduces short-term study abroad and international exchanges. Altogether, these activities are designed to equip students with readily transferrable workplace skills to seamlessly connect them with industry and the international community. Students of the College of Languages are equipped with multilingual abilities and a multicultural sensitivity. Our graduates’ professionalism, practicality, and ability to provide innovative services are highly praised by employers.

【Academic Structure】

Teaching and research at the College of Languages are structured through three departments, one center, one laboratory, and one specialized degree program:

●Department of Japanese Studies (4-, 2-, and 5-year programs, Graduate Institute)

●Department of Applied English (4-, 2-, and 5-year programs)

●Department of Applied Chinese Language (4-year program)

●Center for Japanese Studies

●STEAM & AI Innovation Lab

●Specialized Achievement Degree Program: Applied Information & Japanese


Currently the College of Languages has 49 full-time faculty members, all graduated from internationally or nationally renowned academic institutions. Eleven full-time and part-time foreign teachers provide students with superior English- and Japanese-immersion environments.


I. Digital teaching facilities support innovative teaching methods

A. Each classroom of the College is equipped with a digital lectern to provide a multimedia teaching environment.

B. Computerized laboratories and practical training classrooms offer online learning and writing opportunities to students.

C. The College features a graduate student office where personal computers, laptop computers, laser printers, and wireless access to the Internet are made available to support data collection and online discussions.

II. Multifunctional Classrooms for Specific Purposes facilitate situated teaching

  1. The International Conference Hall

The College manages the International Conference Hall, a 160-seat event hall located in the Chung Cheng Building. The installation of seminar facilities such as oral interpretation and synchronous videoconferencing systems makes it an ideal site for a full range of meeting events, including conferences, seminars, lecture series, and oral interpretation teaching.

  1. Culture-situated Classrooms

The Japanese Culture Room, English Immersive Room, and Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Classroom provide students with unique venues for learning and experiencing different cultures.

  1. The Oral Interpretation Classroom

Through drill practices in the Oral Interpretation Classroom, students strengthen their simultaneous oral interpretation skills and in turn enhance their employability.

  1. Small-scale auditoriums and conference rooms

Situated teaching can be conducted in auditoriums and conference rooms that require students to practice public presentations on-site, train their presentational skills, and encourage them to speak in public.

語文學院 語文學院 語文學院