
Language Center

Language Center

The Focus and Feature of Development

All software and hardware equipment is fully updated in the Center. In addition to building five multimedia language teaching spaces and a digital network center for self-learning, there are also multiple sets of English and Japanese learning software to provide students with a perfect environment, and meanwhile echo the policy of the Ministry of Education of E-learning and lifelong learning.


On August 1st, 2012, Language Center officially became a first-level teaching division, which reveals the school’s attention to promote foreign language learning. The Center keeps promoting a better language education and will commit to creating a double-E (English + Electronic) learning environment by holding workshops and contests to bring foreign language learning into life. To be in line with the modern technology trend, diversified online teaching software, mobile paper computer assessment software, and English and Japanese movies will be purchased. There will also be professional English international symposiums organized with well-known domestic and foreign professionals invited for seminars and academic publishing. By the interaction with foreign experts, multi-cultural exchanges are expected to help students develop an international outlook, and improve the learning quality.

Teaching Environment and Curriculum

  1. There are five multimedia language classrooms, a digital network room for self-study, and a multi-purpose learning room.
  2. We provide a variety of Japanese and English learning software (10 for English and 4 for Japanese) for students’ practice of certification exams, and learning software to strengthen their language proficiency.
  3. There is a foreign language library. The collections of the Center count over 1600 English books, 452 Japanese books, English and Japanese public broadcast teaching videotapes, 78 movie DVDs, 10 kinds of English and Japanese magazines and an issue of English newspaper.
  4. We have designed a language learning corridor with English and Japanese tutorials posted to create a lively and friendly learning environment.