
Office of Physical Education


Office  of Physical Education

Educational Objectives

1. Teaching: The office develops  students’ creativity and critical-thinking based on human-oriented philosophy,  diverse tutorials and lively teaching methods. Furthermore, the ultimate goal  is to establish the life-long exercise habits for students by fun courses.
  2. Athletics: We help students  develop the foundation of team work, and teach them about the concept of  commitment, fairness, sportsmanship, and self-transcendence. Moreover, Students  can learn the positive attitude of managing stress and frustration, and further  develop an optimistic life-style.


Characteristics of Academic Development

1. Courses for freshmen, sophomores,  and junior students in the junior college and freshmen in the four-year college  are managed by Office of Physical Education;  scheduled courses  are taught at designated facilities. The objective of our diverse courses is to help students develop  all-around fitness.


2. The courses designed for sophomores and  junior students in the four-year college and senior students in the junior  college are based on Career Physical Development. The courses are categorized  by different sport projects. Students can select and rank courses with  their interests and later decided by the computerized system.

  3. There are five specialized physical  education categories: ball games, dancing, water sports, physical training, and  others. There are about 16 options for students to select. These courses will build the basic skills of each sport for students, build fitness, and create  the interest in exercise.

  4. The General Education courses in the exercise  and health field are designed for all students including those in the two-year  college. Thus far there are 13 theoretical and practical courses welcomed by  students with positive feedbacks.


5. The courses in the Adapted Physical Education are  designed for students with a disability.