
09-Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Program

Two-year college

  • Course List

    Course Title Credit Required Elective
    Sport and Health 2  
    Advertising Design 3  
    Design Planning & Research 2  
    Package Design 3  
    Commodity Displaying Design I 3  
    Media Studies 3  
    Model Making 3  
    Photography for Person 3  
    Printing Process 3  
    Storyboard Projects 3  
    Vector Drawing Application 3  
    Brand Strategy 2  
    Design Core Course 3  
    Integrated Marketing Communication 2  
    Advertising Copy Write 2  
    Commercial Photography 3  
    Commodity Displaying Design II 3  
    Cultural Creative Commodity Design 3  
    Culture Exploration for Design 2  
    Illustrator Collaborative Project 2  
    Modern Art & Design 2  
    Printing Design Seminar 3  
    Video Planning & Manufacture 3  
    Thesis Project & Practice 3  
    3D Computer Graphics 3  
    Advertising Design Seminar 3  
    Digital Platform and Web Design 3  
    Marketing Planning 2  
    Package Design Seminar 3  
    School-Outside Practicum 2  
    Typography and Design Applications 3  
    Animation Design Application 3  
    Design Communication 2  
    Image Processing & 3D Visual Special Effect 3  
    Marketing Practice Seminar 2  

Four-year college

  • Course List

    Course Title Credit Required Elective
    Chinese 2  
    English 3  
    Physical Education 0  
    2D Computer Graphics 3  
    Basic Design 3  
    Basic Photography 3  
    Color Theory 2  
    Drawing & Painting I 3  
    Education and Career Planning 1  
    Service & Learning(I) 0  
    The Western Art History 2  
    Advanced Photography 3  
    Constructive Art 3  
    Drawing & Painting II 3  
    History of Design 2  
    Printing Design 3  
    Service & Learning(II) 0  
    The Goal of University Education 2  
    Color Planning 2  
    Typography and Design Applications 3  
    Sports for Life 0  
    Democracy and Contitutuional Politics 2  
    Design Methods 2  
    Program Design and Appli 2  
    Typography 2  
    Web Design Basics 3  
    Eastern Art 2  
    Illustration Basic Techniques 2  
    Printing Design Seminar 3  
    Storyboard Projects 3  
    Advertising Design 3  
    History of Taiwan 2  
    Package Design 3  
    Visual Communication Design 3  
    Design Thinking 2  
    Graphics 2  
    Illustration Projects 2  
    Introduction to Cultural and Creative Industries 2  
    Taiwanese Art & Craft 2  
    Video Planning & Manufacture 3  
    Applied Literature and Writing Practice 2  
    Brand Strategy 2  
    Design Core Course(I) 3  
    Design Planning & Research 2  
    3D Computer Graphics 3  
    Commodity Displaying Design I 2  
    English of Professional Design 2  
    Information Design 2  
    Media Studies 2  
    Model Making 2  
    Sport and Health(I) 2  
    Advertising Copy Write 3  
    Career Plan 1  
    Design Core Course(II) 3  
    Integrated Marketing Communication 2  
    3D Computer Animation 3  
    Commodity Displaying Design II 2  
    Cultural Creative Commodity Design 3  
    Culture Exploration for Design 2  
    Illustrator Collaborative Project 2  
    Image Processing & 3D Visual Special Effect 3  
    Laws of Design 2  
    Sport and Health(II) 2  
    Thesis Project & Practice 3  
    Design Communication 2  
    Marketing Planning 2  
    Photography for Person 3  
    School-Outside Practicum 2  
    Sport and Health(III) 2  
    Advertising Design Seminar 3  
    Commercial Photography 3  
    Marketing Practice Seminar 2  
    Package Design Seminar 3  
    Sport and Health(IV) 2  

