


  • Education Objectives

    The educational objectives of the International Business Department are formed under a national policy of optimizing industry structure and in consideration of IT-enabled service and service globalization. In addition, they are shaped by our school's core features of “innovative service” and its philosophy of cultivating of “π-typed talents”. We are dedicated to the application of knowledge and theory to cope with the needs of industry, as well as the education objectives of cultivating professionals and assistant talents with global vision, information technology skills, and international trade and industry management expertise. Our curriculum provides an integral alignment of theory and practice, as well as innovative instruction from our faculty members and experts from various industries. The four-year and two-year college programs of the department are designed to cultivate talents in international business and company management, while the five-year junior college program is aimed to cultivate professional assistants in these two fields.
  • Educational Features

    1. Focusing on helping students acquire foreign language proficiency and obtain relevant employment certificates.
    2. Fostering students with hands-on employment competencies.
    3. Cultivating students to be excellent professionals satisfying industry needs.
    4. Emphasizing character education.


