
Department of Beauty Science

Department of Beauty Science

The Focus and Feature of Development

The Department educates students to fulfill the demand of domestic beauty industries, and prepares them to become professionals required by the society with the work value to provide high-quality and joyful services.

  • Employment-oriented courses
    Professional courses are planed into three modules: “beauty care”, “health and beauty care” and “health and beauty services”. Students can choose by their interest. The curriculum is planned to strengthen students’ professional abilities and prepares them to be: beauticians (beauty care module), beauticians serving in medical centers (health and beauty care modules), makeup artists, wedding designers and beauticians serving at cosmetics counters (beauty and health service module).
  • Industry-academia exchanges
    To enhance the education quality, the Department actively conducts business visits, speeches, and cooperative teachings with relevant industries. Companies that cooperate with the Department under a signed contract are: Seventh Division of Kobayashi hair salon, Mei Ting Feng Co., Ltd., Xili Beauty and Hairdressing Co., Ltd., and etc. Overseas visit programs are actively applied, including Yamano Art Junior College in Tokyo, and institutions in Southern California.
  • Integration of the curriculum and our specialty
    Department of Beauty applies HAPPY and 3S concepts into teaching and activities, hoping to enhance students’ service spirit and refine their work value in school.

Teaching Environment and Curriculum

To train all-rounded talents and develop features of the Department, we have planned a series of courses including “skin care studies and internships”, “make-up designs and internships”, “overall modeling”, “hand and foot maintenance and beautification” and special projects. They are divided into three modules: “beauty care”, “health and beauty care”, and “beauty and health industry service”. The description is as follows:

  1. Curriculum of “beauty care”:
    Careers: beauticians in essential oils stores, department store counters, beauty massage centers, beauty salons, health and leisure centers, personal studios and cosmetics companies.
    Elective courses: practical training, hand and foot care, beauty services and cosmetic safety and evaluation.
  2. Curriculum of “health and beauty care”:
    Careers: medical beauticians, aromatherapists, scalp health therapists, beauticians in Chinese medicine clinics, personal studios and micro-plastic surgical centers.
    Elective courses: practical training, Yoga and beauty care, meridian beauty care, beauty care of Chinese medicine and clinical practice, beauty services.
  3. Curriculum of “beauty and health industry service”:
    Careers: wedding consultants, counter makeup artists, personal studios (for television and print media) and cosmetic companies, beauty business branding, product marketing and technical guidance in related industries.
    Elective courses: practical training, customer psychology, branding, basic accounting, beauty services.
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