
Department of Commercial Design



Improving the competitiveness of students in the employment market, cultivate students with design ability, aesthetics, international vision, highly competitive and integrated marketing ability in the commercial design professionals for the society. The department based on integrated marketing, design aesthetics, and visual communication, include contemporary design-thinking and digital technology to learn graphic design, packaging, cultural and creative industry, brand marketing, advertising, media and display design. It's aims to cultivate the commercial design professionals in the contemporary who have the creative design thinking, integrated marketing and aesthetic literacy.


Three core courses covered in our department: 1) advertising design and packaging design, 2) web design infographics, 3) graphic design and motion photography. Six major subjects in the classes included advertising design, packaging design, web design (UI, UX), infographic, photography, motion photography.

商設系 商設系 商設系 商設系 商設系